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Our Philanthropy

Alpha Chi’s philanthropic efforts are aimed at promoting healthy relationships and battling the stigma surrounding domestic violence. Our philanthropy partners are the Journey Center for Safety and Healing, which provides survivors of domestic violence with counseling services, employment opportunities, housing, and legal aid, in addition to educating about unhealthy relationships. Sisters help at these nonprofits’ fundraisers, host clothing drives, and bake desserts for birthdays at the safe homes and strive to educate the CWRU and greater Cleveland area regarding domestic violence.

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Philanthropy and Service Events


Pizza Pies and Alpha Chis

Every fall we host this event with unlimited pizza and homemade pie to raise funds for the DVCAC and promote domestic violence awareness.

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Every spring we invite the campus to participate in a 5k around campus to raise money for the DVCAC. Celebratory donuts are provided!


Saturday of Service

Every semester our VP Philanthropy coordinates multiple service outings for sisters to participate in. We love to volunteer with local nonprofits and charities such as Laura's Home or Cleveland Book Bank!

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